#masks4all Rossland Cloth Face Mask Project
The #masks4all Rossland Cloth Face Mask Project is a grassroots community-driven campaign to educate and promote wearing cloth face masks in public by the Rossland community during the Covid-19 pandemic. The #masks4all project helps make homemade cloth face masks and to give them away to the vulnerable, seniors, and the townsfolk who want them. The project also heightens awareness to the public to encourage them to wear their homemade cloth face masks to the grocery store, doctor’s appointments etc. Distribution is organized through a centralized distribution point.
Your mask protects me. My mask protects you.
Media: #masks4all Rossland Project
Lead Physician: #masks4all Rossland
Dr. Samantha Segal MD FACP, KBRH Dept Internal Medicine, Trail BC spearheaded and started the pilot #masks4all project in Rossland. She noted that around the world, many countries have found that if people wear a mask when in public, it can help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The Public Health Agency of Canada has come to a consensus that in situations where physical distancing, such as at the grocery store or pharmacy, wearing a non-medical mask can prevent your respiratory droplets from coming into contact with others. While wearing a non-medical mask in the community has not been proven to protect the person wearing it, it can help protect others. Thus, our slogan/logo we use for the project “Your mask protects me, my mask protects you.
#masks4all Rossland Lead Organization
The Rotary Club of Rossland stepped up to be the Lead Organization to help with the project and also to be the lead entity to accept donations and pay bills.
Distribution Points in Rossland
Ferraro Foods Rossland and Alpine Drug Mart Rossland stepped up to be the public distribution points for the project.
Donations: #masks4all Rossland
A big thank you to Teck who started the ball rolling with a generous donation to help with fabric/materials for the masks and printing of communication flyers/posters. We have received multiple donations from the public and Rotary Rossland is still accepting donations here.
#masks4all Rossland Seamstresses
Our gratitude goes out to a wonderful group of seamstresses who have made 100’s of cloth masks to date. Also to the people who have donated fabric and materials, thank you very much. Our seamstress group is lead in a volunteer capacity by Mayor Kathy Moore.
Summary of Project to Date
October 2020:
- # of individual mask makers: 30 (some have made 6, some have made hundreds (Nancy, you have made the most!) Production has currently slowed down, but seamstresses are keen to continue at a more relaxed pace.
- Many donated not only their time but their own supplies too.
- $ raised for supplies: almost $7400 (some big donations of $1k from Teck, and $500 from other local businesses but most small $10 up to $200 from individuals. Any money left over once we are done with this project will be donated to the Food Bank.
- All donations to Rossland Rotary for this project go 100% towards the project. (supplies such as fabric, elastic, nose pieces, filters, informational brochures, individual bags etc)
- # of masks distributed: almost 2,400 (but not all of those were just in Rossland)
- The population of Rossland: 3,729 (last census 2016)
- Masks4All Rossland was envisioned by a local Dr. (Sam Segal) organized by Kimberely Pegg and coordinated by Kathy Moore
#masks4all Rossland Team
Lead Physician – Dr. Samantha Segal, KBRH Trail
Lead Organizing Seamstresses, Material/Fabrics and Distribution – Kathy Moore
Lead Distribution and Donations – Rotary Rossland – Fiona Martin
Lead Project Manager – Kimberley Pegg – kpegg@kbpa.ca
Date of Project: Start April 2020 – tbc