Assessing volume status of dialysis patients using bedside lung ultrasound
Lung Ultrasonographic Assessment of Volume Status in Hemodialysis Patients, a Physician Quality Improvement project, was conducted by Justin Dragoman (Medical student), Chi Zhang MD (Chief of Nephrology and the Department of Medicine), Marlene Johnson RN (Dialysis Nurse), and DharmaPaul L. Raju MD (Nephrologist and Project Coordinator) at The Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital.
The aim of the project was to use ultrasound to safely guide fluid removal therapy during hemodialysis and prevent hypotension during dialysis. The analysis of the results demonstrated a statistical decrease in the overall time patients were hypotensive while on dialysis. Furthermore, the ultrasound allowed project investigators to identify those patients with sub-clinical congestive heart failure (that is those without signs or symptoms of heart failure) who benefitted from additional fluid removal.
Lung ultrasonography has already been utilized by ICU and Emergency Room physicians. We look forward to expanding this project throughout Interior Health and engaging students and nurses to use this simple invaluable bedside tool to enhance patient safety.
Click here to see an enlarged version of the Ultrasound Poster.
Further inquiries please contact: Dr. Raju
August 2020