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2023 Pumpkin Carving Contest

 KBPA gets spooky with Pumpkin Carving Contest

The Kootenay Boundary Physicians Association (KBPA) hosted its third annual pumpkin carving contest at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital (KBH) with their partners at Interior Health (IH). Drs. Sue Babensee and Lindsay Mourant took the lead along with IH partners Genevieve David and Kristen Guerra. There were 11 entrants from various KBH departments including kitchen, maintenance, obstetrics, maternity, medical students, medical nursing, laboratory, rehabilitation, and medical imaging. The diversity of entries were extremely creative and the judging was tough.

“They are all excellent and it was hard to decide,” said George. “I think it’s great they were appreciated by everyone and that our community gets a chance to share in the display.”
“I wish I had seen all the pumpkins from previous years,” said Cross.

 Liz George is the widow of Bob George who was a thoracic, vascular and general surgeon for many years at KBH. Bob returned to the community of Greater Trail for retirement after spending 10 years in semi-retirement in Saipan.

Brent Cross is a retired chemical engineer from Teck. His wife, Ev, was a nurse at KBH for over 30 years in maternity and orthopedics, finishing her career in the Daly Pavilion.  Brent and Ev were always involved in beautifying Trail.  Brent as a committee member looking after the tree boulevard in Tadanac, and Ev as a Trail Community in Bloom “Graffiti Granny”, covering over graffiti before it could inspire more. 

Prize Winners:

Most Unique: In Utero – OB/GYN team

Most Creative: Anatomy Class for Med Students

Scariest Pumpkin: Pumpkin in Labour 

Best Hospital Themed: Living the Dream

Best in Show: The Pie Makers – Medical Imaging

People’s Choice: The Pie Makers – Medical Imaging